Today we took Ayden to the Denham Springs Christmas Parade. Dylan was supposed to be in it with the Cub Scouts but got into some trouble this week so he ended up not being able to go. Ayden had a great time, except when the fire trucks came by making too much noise!
Can you believe it, snow in south Louisiana!!! I don't think I've ever seen this much. We only got about 3-4 inches but for this region it might as well have been 3-4 feet. Schools were of course cancelled. Matt made to work okay. I tried, but by the time I got the kids dropped off and headed in they closed the bridges out of Denham Springs so I was stuck. I turned around and went back to the sitters to enjoy playing with the kids in the snow. They had so much fun. Dylan played outside most of the day and did not want to come in. He went through about 4 changes of clothes, after one got wet he moved on to the next. Ayden wanted to bring the snow inside. The only draw back to our "Snow Day" was that we lost power at 6:30am Thursday and did not get it back until sometime Friday. We did not stay at home, we went to Matt's dad's house. I heard on the radio they want to call is "Snow-stav '08" like Gustav. Whatever they decide to call it, it's one for the history books. What a great day!!!
Day after Thanksgiving, Ayden eating left overs for lunch-looks like the holiday shopping was too much for him.
Ayden and Dylan had such a great Thanksgiving!! Ayden was so ready to eat when they started putting out the food he pulled up a chair. Then while they were carving the turkey Matt's Nana(grand mother) was eating a turkey leg. Ayden decided he needed it more then she did. He would eat little, set down, then come back and eat a little more. Gobble Gobble, what a great turkey day!!!!
For Halloween, Dylan was a Star Wars Storm Trooper and Ayden was Scooby Doo. They had a great time Trick or Treating. At first Ayden rode in the stroller but when he got the idea he got out and did it on his own. He didn't quite get that you were supposed to say trick or treat. He just walked up to the candy giver, opened his bag and said "Mine!" When his bag started to get full he began dragging it around the neighborhood. Toward the end of this adventure he got a little tired. So he sat down in the middle of the street and began to check out his goodies. Dylan was very helpful in assisting Ayden getting to and from each house. He's such a wonderful big brother. Always helping out with Ayden.
About 2 weeks ago we took the kids to the Baton Rouge Fair. We all had a great time. It reminded me of the time dad and I went to the Fair in Mobile. We had fun then too. Ayden was too little to really do much, but he enjoyed seeing all the lights and stuff. I think Dylan had the most fun.
As you can see Ayden's been trying our shoes on while Matt's been working out of town.
Wow, I know I'm late posting this since we went to Dega a month ago but we have really been busy. We had such a wonderful time. Every year it gets better. This year since we went a day early we even got to see the car haulers come in. It was great, we got awsome pictures!!!! I can't wait until next year!!!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Time once again to head to Talladega!!!! We leave on Wednesday. Matt will be pulling the camper this year since his dad can't drive. We are very excited. Dylan will be staying with Paul so he won't miss any school and Ayden will be going to stay with his Meme and Foefoe. I'm sure they will all have a wonderful time while we are gone. We are looking forward to a wonderful trip and a great race. We hope to hear from you all soon.
Love to all.
GO DALE GO!!!!!!
Ayden is already trying to fill his daddy's shoes, But they're just a little too big. He even wear's Matt's hard hat. He's getting bigger and talking more every day. Now if we could just get started on the potty training we'd be in good shape
Now that the storm has cleared things are getting back to normal. The kids are doing well. Dylan's doing pretty good in school. He brought home his interim grades and he has all A's and B's so far. He is still going to Cub Scouts although we missed the meeting last week because I wasn't feeling well(allergies acting up). We are so proud of him!!!! Matt's been working out of town in Vinace LA, which is all the way south at the very tip of LA. It hard with him away from home but we'r hanging in.
Sorry it's been so long, but it's been very hectic since the storm. We survived with minimal damage. Our house had the skirting blown away and dent in the shed door. Matt's dad and stepmom had a large tree limb fall on their fence. Nothing too serious. Unfortunately Matt's dad had a serious accdient about a week or so after the storm. He fell from a ladder while trying to cut down a tree limb and broke his right leg. He's had 2 surgeries and is recovering well. The doctors say he is healing well and is very lucky not to have lost his foot because of the way he broke it.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
This was Dylan's awards day at the end of the school year in May. He received an award for turning in all his homework assignments and perfect attendence.
Ayden playing with one of his favorite toys, his cardboard diaper box.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Matt and Dylan fishing at Camp Avondale during Dylan's Cubscout Family weekend.
Okay family, here we go. Mom wanted a blog so here it is. I'm really not sure how this is going to work so far but we'll see. We're doing well. Getting ready for Dylan to go back to school. He's very excited!! I don't know if I'm ready though. It seems like the summer has gone by so fast. Ayden's doing well. He's got some more teeth coming in. He's getting bigger and talking more every day. Matt's working hard as usual. Right now he's on a job at the Mall of Louisiana. Luckily he's indoors with the AC, at least for the time being. I'm still really enjoying my position as an underwriter. It keeps me busy and its pretty interesting. I'm learning more about insurance every day. Well, I hope everyone is doing well. Let's see how this turned out.